
Employee Relations


In an organisation, employee relation refers to the efforts of a business management. It concerns mainly on maintaining and developing relationship between employers and workers. This would lead to create positive environment at workplace and encourage staff to perform duty in effective manner (Frone and Trinidad, 2012). Successful employee relation help an organisation to identify and solve problems and issues at workplace. The taken organization for this assignment is Food For Thought which is vegan and vegetarian restaurant. It establish in 1917 and located at the seven Dials district on London, United kingdom. This assignment include various topics like principles of employees relations with fundamental employment law and evaluation of rights, duties and obligations of employees relationships. Along-with this, it include role of stakeholder to support employment relationship and advantage and disadvantage of employees relationship.

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Task 1

P1 The value and importance of employees relations

In every organisation employee relation is important because it leads to succession of business. Management should maintain effective and healthy employee relation which enhance employees productive and satisfaction (GarcíaCabrera and GarcíaBarbaHernández, 2014). Food for Thought conduct strong employees relation  through which they able to avoid conflict and enhance staff satisfaction that directly impact in increasing in productivity. Employee relation is valuable for a company because through it management able to maintain relationship between employer and employees in personal and professional basis. This help Food For Thought manager to conduct equal and fair treatments to their staff members. Since this company's cook their dishes with fresh vegetables through which there is cut down of cost and they avoid peeling of vegetables to preserve nutrients. This would increase in productivity and commitment of employees towards their jobs and loyalty for the respective company.

To conduct effective employees relation respective company do some activities such as appreciate for good work, communicate vision and vision statement to staff, encourage work life balance at work place and so on. There are various outcome which make employees relation important, that are explain below:-

Improve productivity- Maintaining effective employee relation within work place, enhance motivation and satisfaction level of a workers which improve productivity. Increase in productivity leads to more revenue generation and improvement of market share and values of company (Hameed, Ramzan and Zubair, 2014). In context of Food for Thought, their management maintain strong employee relation which make employees happy, motivated and loyal for their work as well as for company. This leads to improvement and increment in productivity that directly gives addition to revenue and stake of respective company. When employees of Food for Thought feel happy and satisfy they treat their customers and guests well that increase goodwill of company.

Reduce conflict- When there is positive and friendly environment it will reduce the conflict at workplace. Minimum and less conflict result in more staff satisfaction and increase in productive because employees feel motivated and loyal while performing their task(Hogg, 2012J). Since mangers of Food for Through develop strong employees relationship among their staff so that they feel satisfy and motivated. Their management teats all workers equally and no discrimination is done on basis of culture, income, age etc. which leads to reduction in conflict at workplace. Moreover reduction in conflicts enhance staff motivation and satisfaction and when an employees fell satisfied with company they conduct their job effectively which leads to fulfilment of customer's needs and demand in efficient manner.

Along-with this there are other various benefits of employees relation for respective company such as increase in employees loyalty and moral, delegation of work become easy, help in achieving goal and objective in proper manner and many more. It also help Food for Thought to satisfy their customers effectively, this is possible because employees are happy with respective company relations.

P2 Fundamental of employment laws which are applied in Organisation

Employment law is the broad concept that include right, obligation and responsibility of employer and employees within an organisation which reduce discrimination and wrongful activities. To maintain positive environment at Food for Thought their management follow various law or regulations. It leads to no discrimination regarding gender, income, culture, colour and so on at company. This help managers to take decision in effective way so that every employees feel motivated and connected to the workplace and no conflict will occur. There are various employment law that are followed by Food for thought, some major of them are explained below:-

Data protection Act- It is passed by Parliament of United Kingdom in year 2018. It is establish to protect personal information or data which is used by government, organisation or business (aafreh and Al-abedallat, 2012). Food for Thought implement data protection Act at their workplace which help them to protect personal information of employees from getting misuse. Respective organisation use their staff information or data to make effective decision by evaluating person's behaviour or interest. It is responsibility of manager at Food for Thought to not disclose sensitive information about employees to anyone such as their race, ethnic background, political background, religion belief etc.

Minimum wage Act- This Act is establish at United Kingdom in year 1998 and every company has to implement at their workplace.  According to this law there are different slots of wages which is depend upon staff age and ability. In UK from 1 April 2018 minimum wage an employees get are £7.83 per hour for those workers whose age is above 25, staff's aged between 21 to 24 get £7.38 per hour and £5.90 per hour are fixed for individuals aged 18 to 20. Food for Thought follow minimum wage Act to provide wages to their employees and their workers can evaluate their correct minimum wage with minimum wage calculator.

Equality Act- This Act is come into regulation in  year 2010 by Parliament of the United Kingdom. Main objective of this Act is to reduce and minimise discrimination on basis of age, gender, income and provide equal treatment to all employees. If an organisation implement this at their workplace they can maintain positive and motivating environment. The Food for Thought develop Equality Act at their workplace which help them in reducing discrimination and conflict. After adopting it the is no distinguish done on basis of age, income, colour, gender, background and so on.

Health and safety Act- This Act comes into regulation in year 1974 and it include obligations regarding health, safety and welfare of employees at workplace (Long, Perumal and Ajagbe, 2012). Manager maintain safety and health at firm by taking several steps like provide effective training to employees so that they do work in appreciate ways, conduct regular maintenance of equipments etc. The manager of Food for Thought ensure effective maintenance of equipments which are used at their restaurants, provide training to staffs how to use equipments by taking care of their safety and health and so on.

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Task 2

P3 Rights, duties and obligations of employers and employees within a workplace

Their are various rights, duties and obligations are required for the smooth functioning of  an organisation. Employees and employees have different rights, duties and obligations to conduct their operation and function in appropriate manner (Maurer and Chapman, 2013). This help management in maintaining effective positive and disciplined environment at an organisation. In Food for Thought there are certain rights, duties and obligations of employers and employees, which are explain below:-





· It is right and responsibility of employer to provide safety at workplace.

· Ensure safety condition of equipments and machinery provided to employees.

· Hire effective and efficient employees who can perform particular task in appropriate manner.

· Design training for employees according to requirements (Mowday, Porter and Steers, 2013).

· Employer of organisation have right to take work from employees.

· It is right of employer to expect loyalty from their staffs. They have right to promote those employees who wok effectively.

· It is duty of employer to provide appropriate work to their employees according to their ability and capability.

· Ensure the safety of equipments and machines in their control.

· Provide essential facilities at workplace such as wash rooms, lockers, dining  area, first aid etc.

· It is duty of employers to provide effective training and development to their employees so that they complete work in appropriate manner in given time period. It is also duty of employer to maintain positive environment at their workplace.

· It is obligation of employer to maintain injury management art their workplace so employees feel safety while conducting their job.

· Employer must ensure that their workers have compensation insurance.

· It is major obligation of employer to provide leaves in effective manner. Their must be appropriate divisions of leaves like sick and annual.

· Employer of an organisation have obligation to maintain records of their employees and their data. 





· Employees of an organisation have right to get pay slip of their pay or deductions.

· It is right of employee that their employer didn't deduct any amount from  wage without giving clarification.

· Employer of  a firm didn't force to their employees to work more than 48 hours a week.

· It is right of employees to get prior 1 month notice before dismissing.

· It is duty of a employees to obey rules and regulation at a workplace (Odhong and Omolo, 2014).

· The staff of a company serve their employer or owner faithfully an din effective manner.

· They must corporate with their employer and co-worker to maintain positive working environment.

· It is duty of employees to not misuse any confidential information or data to anyone.  

· It is obligation of employees to take reasonable care of their safety and health.

· They must also take care of health and safety of other workers or co-workers.

· It is major obligation of workers that they follow rules and regulation, policies of their work place (Ouimet and Zarutskie, 2014).

P4 Advice relating to rules, duties and obligation of employments relationship for given organisation

In order to develop effective employment relationship, it is essential for a company to concern on various aspects. It includes legal laws, economical stability, social concerns and more. As any change in such factors will directly impact on job employment (RebNarayanan and Chaturvedi, 2014). In addition to this, it also adversely effect the feeling of job security among workers. Therefore, it is advice to managers of Food For Thought Restaurant, to provide satisfaction among employees related to job. For this purpose, they must concern on updating knowledge of employment laws and legislations. This would help in implementing amendable rights and duties at workplace, which prove beneficial for both employees and employers as well as other stakeholders also. By concerning on such laws like Minimum Wage Pay Act, Health and Safety Act, Sex Discrimination Act etc. aid this organisation in running business more effectively. It also helps management in developing effective relationship among workers by generating feeling of equality at workplace.

It is further recommended to management team of Food For Thought to give prior notice to staff members before firing them. This would help leads to protect business from legal obligations as per Unfair Dismissal Act. Along with this, managers should give instruction and timely information to workers in what manner they have to treat customers. It will help in getting high retention of customers within restaurant for longer period.

Apart from this, by providing information related to ethical rules and obligations to workers, help in getting high performance of them. As this restaurant has given job to people belong to different culture, so that they can easily deal with customers' requirement. But it arise various issues under workplace such as conflicts among staff members. It leads to create negativity also which adversely effect employees relation also (Schreurs And, 2012). Therefore, for this purpose, it is morale duty to managers of Food For Thought to implement some effective HR practices for developing employee relations. It includes engaging workers in team-work, provide training to develop skills required for giving best services to customers and more. This would help in improving relationship among staff members. Furthermore, when workers work in positive working environment then they perform their duties and responsibilities more effectively.

P5 Stakeholder analysis for given organisation

Stakeholder can be an individual, group or organisation who will impact on the result of project or assignment. Major interest of these people are in succession of a project  and they are from within or outside of an organisation who will sponsor the project. Influence of stakeholder can be negative or positive on a project (Van and, 2015). There are various type of stakeholder in an organisation, they are customers, employees, employers, governments and many more Stakeholder plays major role at workplace such as it help in decision  making process of an organisation related to project. Along with this, they can increase or decrease the financial performance of a company, stakeholder help an organisation to enhance their social status and many more. A company conduct stakeholder analysis to identify and analysis the need and effectiveness of stakeholder. Stakeholder analysis help a Food for Thought to getting project shape and improve quality in effective manner and it help respective company to use their resources in effective and efficient manner. Along with this it build understanding between employers and employees so they work appropriately. Their are various importance of stakeholder in context of Food for Thought, which are explain below:-

  • It help respective Company to make appropriate marketing strategy through which they can conduct their task or project in effective manner.
  • It help company to motive employees by understanding the needs and interest of their staffs.
  • Stakeholder analysis help an organisation to identify their appropriate stakeholder and make strategies accordingly.

The Food for Thought conduct stakeholder analysis by pursuing following steps which are mentioned below:-

Identify stakeholder- At this stage the manager of Food for Thoughts identify appropriate stakeholder for their project (Worlu and, 2016). Their major focus while identifying stakeholders is they try to find out stakeholder who can increase their financial and market status of respective company.

Identify need and interest of stakeholder- In this stage the managers of Food for Thought identify the need and interest of stakeholders so that they plan their strategies accordingly. This will help them in enhancing their profit and market value.

Classify group of interest- At this stage the managers of respective company divide different stakeholders in different group according to their need and interest, then they design plans and strategies according to different group. Food for Thought done this by using stakeholder mapping.

Identify areas of conflict- In this stage manger analysis and evaluate behaviour and interest of all stakeholders and then identify the area of conflict (Frone and Trinidad, 2012). After identification management develop plans and strategies according to overcome or avoid conflict.  

Prioritise stakeholder- At respective stage managements of Food for Thoughts do analysis and evaluation the stakeholder and prioritise from them. They basically identify that stakeholder who have high power and high people interest.

Compare- At this last stage management of Food for Thought conduct comparison of actual result and what they expected. According to outcome they will decide their plans and strategies.  

P6 Impact of both positive and negative employee relations on different stakeholders

Their are different type of stakeholder which affect the employees relations at an organisation in both manner positive as well as negative. In context to Food for Thought effect of different stake holder on employees relations are given below:-

Employee- Employees are those persons or individual who do or conduct the work in effective and efficient. They give their best efforts to achieve goal and objective in appropriate manner (Hogg, 2012). The employees get affect by employee relation at Food for Thought, it is in both manner which  are explain below-


  • If respective company do effective employees relation it will leads to increase employees productivity because they fell motivated.
  • It will improve employees loyalty towards the respective company because through effective employees relation employees feel connected towards the Food for Thought.
  • When respective firm maintain appropriate employee relation there is reduction in conflict and misbehaving.
  • If Food for Thought conduct effective employees relations, then staff will perform their task or job in effective manner which reduce wastage of resources and time.


  • when respective company not do strong employee relation it will leads to conflict between employees and they didn't perform their task in efficient manner.
  • Due to this  employees not feel motivated and connected towards the respective company which reduce the productivity of employees or staffs.
  • It will also enhance the wastage of resources and time because employees didn't do their work in proper manner.

Employer- Employer are a person who make effective decisions for their subordinates so that they perform their task in effective manner (Odhong and Omolo, 2014). The employers make decision and allocate it within employees according to their skills and ability. The employee relation  affect employers at Food for Thought, it is in both manner which  are explain below-


  • If Food for Thought maintain strong employees relation the employer will enjoy their works and make appropriate and effective decision which help them in increasing productivity.
  • If employer are satisfy with respective company employee relation they able to motivate and satisfy their staffs in effective manner which reduce wastage of resources and time.


  • If respective company not maintain employees relation in effective manner, employer will not able to make appropriate decision (Ouimet and Zarutskie, 2014). This will reduce the productivity of both employees and employers.
  • If there is lack of employee relation employer of Food for Thought not enable to attract investors and customers which directly affect the financial position and market position of respective company.

As Food for Thought is a restaurant and situation of employee relations also affect on the customers in such ways there is reduce in footfall of respective company and leads to negative impact on respective company name and image.


From the above mentioned point it can be conclude that employee relation is important for every organisation and there are various fundamental employment laws which help mangers to conduct smooth functioning. Their are different duties, rights and obligations which employer and employees have to follow. Along with  this there is stakeholder who play various role in  succession of business and its influence the behaviour of different stakeholder in negative and positive manner.


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  • GarcíaCabrera, A. M. and GarcíaBarba Hernández, F., 2014. Differentiating the three components of resistance to change: The moderating effect of organizationbased selfesteem on the employee involvementresistance relation. Human Resource Development Quarterly. 25(4). pp.441-469.
  • Hameed, A., Ramzan, M. and Zubair, H.M.K., 2014. Impact of compensation on employee performance (empirical evidence from banking sector of Pakistan). International Journal of Business and Social Science. 5(2).
  • Hogg, G., 2012. Employee attitudes and responses to internal marketing. In Internal marketing: Directions for management(pp. 127-142). Routledge.
  • Jaafreh, A. B. and Al-abedallat, A. Z., 2012. The effect of quality management practices on organizational performance in Jordan: An empirical study. International Journal of Financial Research. 4(1), p.93.
  • Long, C. S., Perumal, P. and Ajagbe, A. M., 2012. The impact of human resource management practices on employees’ turnover intention: A conceptual model. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 4(2). pp.629-641.
  • Maurer, T. J. and Chapman, E. F., 2013. Ten years of career success in relation to individual and situational variables from the employee development literature. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 83(3). pp.450-465.
  • Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W. and Steers, R. M., 2013. Employee—organization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press.
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